Submit today, submit tomorrow – but whatever you do, just submit! Since launching ‘Flash in the Pan’ over six months ago, we have received a wealth of flash fiction stories from Berlin and across the world. And although we have hosted many of these new voices, we are incredibly hungry for more!

The Fiction Kitchen Berlin chefs are standing by to add your story to the menu. We want stories that allow us to peek inside your soul. The ones that make you tick, that haunt your imagination. The ones that keep you awake at night. Simply put – we want your stories!




Send an email to: Submissions (@) Fictionkitchen.Berlin and include the following information:

We will either get back to you within a day (if you catch us at a good moment) or at least within three weeks. If a good few weeks pass and you still don’t hear anything, please do reach out.

Due to the amount of subs we are getting these days, should we accept (or reject) your story for the Kitchen, please wait at least one month before submitting again.


If you submit your story to Fiction Kitchen Berlin, and are accepted, you agree to the following: We ask for rights that are first, world, serial, online/electronic, and non-exclusive. We also ask for archival and anthology rights. What does this mean? Basically: we want to be first to publish your story, make it available anywhere in the world, have the right to print it in our literary magazine, to make it available on our website (including the right to archive it there), and to have it part of an anthology if required. Non-exclusive means that you are free to publish your story on other sites/magazines if you like. Additionally, you agree that we can pick a nice image for your work that matches both the aesthetic feel of the site, and the theme of your story. Please note that if we accept your story, we may apply minor edits to it without notification – but we will do our best to inform you.


As dedicated volunteers, we are unfortunately unable to provide payment to authors. However, here is what you can expect if your work is accepted:

Hey, what are you doing still reading? Get your story to us!

Have something to say? Leave a comment below or contact us directly via TwitterFacebookInstagram, or email. Or, you could just buy us a coffee if you like? (A.K.A a pint)


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